Here are some things I like in alphabetical order:
- Expo - Expo is a set of tools, libraries and services which let you build and deploy native iOS and Android apps by using JavaScript. If you’re a React Native developer, this is a decent framework to use.
- Flask - An awesome python microframework.
- HTTP Status Codes - If you’re building a REST API, then this reference is good to have at your fingertips.
- Hugo - A static website generator.
- Zeit Now - A serverless deployment platform.
- 2 Dope Queens - A comedy podcast with a dope guest list.
- Breaker - A social podcasting application and my current pocasting app of choice.
- - One of the better podcasting apps available.
- The Guardian - Want a decent international news source? This one is worth paying for (as I do) if for no other reason than to support good journalism.
- The New York Times - The Grey Lady is still one of the best newspapers in the business.
- The Washington Post - One of the other newspapers I pay for.